Happiness in Christ
How does one find happiness in life? As it turns out, true and lasting happiness in life is found in Jesus Christ. First, we need to get connected with God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, and then we can be happy in this life and for eternity.
Finding God & Happiness explains how to find God and Jesus through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus paid for all sins with his death on the cross, so that when we hook up with him, we can be forgiven and freed from our sins and enter into a right relationship with God. We can have fellowship with God the Father and God the Son as we journey through life, and then at the end of our life, we will enter into heaven.
This book explains how to grow in our relationship with God through studying God’s Word, the Holy Bible. The Bible is true from Genesis to Revelation, so when we make this discovery, we can learn from God’s Word and base our lives on it.
Finding God & Happiness explains how to navigate ourselves through life so as to maximize our happiness in this life as well as our reward in the next life. Once we become saved by the grace of God, we then need to act wisely and avoid sin as much as possible. And we need to pray to our Father in heaven in order to maximize His blessings upon us and upon those we care about. God the Father is in control of everything, and He desires to help us out as we walk through life.
As Finding God & Happiness explains, we also need to take time out to enjoy our life. Every day in our life is a gift from God and a day that He has made, so we should try to rejoice in each day and be glad in it.
And God also wants us to be conquerors in life. He wants us to conquer all of the trials that we face and to get on top of our world. He wants us to conqueror life, and He even wants us to conquer death. So that when we arrive in God’s glorious heaven someday, we can quote the Bible verse which says, “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (I Corinthians 15:55).
And when we spend eternity with God and Jesus and all of God’s people in paradise for ever and ever, we will be in awe of the love and the greatness of God. We will see God just as He is, and all our past sorrows will disappear forever. We will be happy and fulfilled forevermore, and no one will ever be able to take that away from us. This is what God has promised to all of His children who put their faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.
All of the things described above are explained in much more detail in the new book, Finding God & Happiness,
by Michael S. Fitzcharles.